Surprising Reasons to See Your Physio

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A visit to the physio is often at the front of your mind when you tear a muscle or wake up with a stiff neck, however, there are many other conditions that you might be surprised to hear physiotherapists can help with. Here are a few that you may not be aware of.

Respiratory Problems
Physiotherapists are one of the first ports of call to help clear a chest infection, particularly for the very young, elderly and those with chronic conditions such as cystic fibrosis. Your physiotherapist can assist with drainage, breathing cycles and physical percussion techniques to help you breathe easier.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is a specific type of vertigo caused by loose microcrystals in the inner ear, resulting in dizziness when the head is turned in different positions. Your physiotherapist can give you exercises to relocate these crystals and regain your balance. Physiotherapists can also help with habituation exercises to help manage other types of vertigo and improve symptoms of dizziness.

For one in three women, incontinence is an ongoing problem after childbirth and one that has a huge impact on quality of life. Much improvement for this condition can be attained from Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation.  Your physiotherapist is well versed in teaching pelvic floor exercises, which can help you regain control.

Pelvic Pain
Chronic pelvic pain is commonly defined as non-malignant intermittent or continuous pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis or intrapelvic structures, lasting at least 3–6 months.  CPP may originate from one or more organ systems or pathologies and may have multiple contributing factors.  It usually involves an interaction between the gastrointestinal, urinary, gynecological (endometriosis, adenomyosis, pelvic congestion syndrome, fibroids, and ovarian remnant after surgeries for examples), musculoskeletal such as (tension of pelvic floor muscles, inflammation of the pubic symphysis), neurological and endocrine systems. It can also be influenced by psychological and sociocultural factors.  The optimal treatment of chronic pelvic pain needs to address a holistic therapy approach. This multidisciplinary treatment and physiotherapy treatment includes oral analgesics and other medications, pain management, pelvic floor rehabilitation, nerve stimulation therapies, teaching cognitive coping strategies, education about the importance of planning and pacing exercise and activities.

Developmental Delays, Balance and Incoordination
For some children, balance and coordination don’t come easily. These issue may be associated with developmental delay, neuroglogical conditions and other medical conditions.  Your physiotherapist can prescribe exercises to assist with improving balance and coordination for people of any age.

Neurological Conditions
Strokes, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries and head injuries are allconditions that your physiotherapist has been trained to treat. In the private practice setting, they are particularly helpful at stretching the tight muscles affected and providingspecially tailored strengthening exercises.

This article is not intended to replace medical advice. Speak to your therapist for more information on how physiotherapy might be able to help you.

Keeping your Immune System STRONG 💪

A PROACTIVE way to combat COVID-19

Keeping your Immune System STRONG 💪 4

During these uncertain times I believe Social Distancing (the catch phrase of 2020!) and Self-Isolation, where possible, are the key to containment of the terrible COVID-19.  This is especially important for many of us, who because of medical conditions or age, are in the more vulnerable group category.  However I truly believe in taking a PROACTIVE approach to health.  So while in lockdown, here are some daily habits that will help to ensure you and your family have the best chance of preventing viruses, colds and flus:

  1. Reducing stress - Too much stress increases the hormone cortisol, which can suppress the immune system. Stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, yoga, or other activities you enjoy can have a positive impact on your immune system.
  2. Eating a balanced diet - This is as simple as eating five serves of fruit and vegetables daily and including a variety of whole grains, healthy fats and protein at each meal. Following these basic guidelines ensures you receive a range of essential vitamins and minerals to support your immune system (see the recommended foot chart below). AVOID - Sugary Foods, Fried Foods, Sugary Drinks, Processed Carbs, White Bread, Pastries, Processed Meats.
  3. Practising good hygiene habits – wash hands thoroughly, avoid touching your mouth, eyes or face, dispose of used tissues in a closed bin, and ensure you sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow or a tissue (not your hands!)
  4. Get 7-8 hours of sleep - Yes, lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who don't get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as a common cold virus.  Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.  Set up good sleep routines and habits.
  5. Exercise - Going for a walk to get fresh air and vitamin D is the best way to look after your health as you can see from the image below - there are so many benefits to walking!  This is safe to do even when in Social Isolation, (obviously providing you're 1.5 metres away from people on your walk!).  I have also put together a home exercise program which covers all important areas of the body and core, postural, upper and lower body strengthening as well as flexibility and balance.  If you would like this PDF emailed to you please contact me at
  6. Take paracetamol for Fever/Pain - Stories have been circulating online suggesting it's dangerous to take ibuprofen if you have coronavirus. Alongside genuine medical advice, false messages have been spreading, distorting the facts.  Firstly follow your doctors advice. However if you are not on anti-inflammatories and need to take something for fever or pain relief, reach for the paracetamol first.  Other natural pain relieving modalities include:  Applying Ice (to inflamed areas or new injuries in the first 48 hours), Applying Heat for Relaxation of Muscles, Using natural Pain Relieving creams such as Flexall, Arnica, Fisocream, Pain Away - There are many out there!

In a nutshell (and it's not rocket science!), reduce stress, sleep well, eat well, exercise and of course practice good hygiene.  But most importantly, to contain and combat this virus, it is very important to practice Social Distancing and now, Social Isolation. 

And remember if you want a PDF version of my suggested home exercise program during this time of No Gym, No Pilates Classes, No Yoga Classes, Home Confinement...Contact me at

Keeping your Immune System STRONG 💪 5
Keeping your Immune System STRONG 💪 6

Sources: -

  1. How best to support your immune system against cold and flu symptoms. Accessed on 19.3.2020 from
  2. World Health Organization. Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) advice for the public. Accessed 19.3.2020 from
  3. Health experts criticise NHS advice to take ibuprofen for Covid-19.  Accessed on 19.3.2020 at
  4. 9 Key Foods that Reduce Inflammation.  Accessed on 19.3.2020 from

The Ultimate Guide to Acupuncture Treatment, Risks & Benefits

Acupuncture Therapy

How can inserting needles into the skin make someone feel good? It sounds scary and painful, doesn’t it? You might be surprised, but the answer to this is “no.” It’s certainly far from the most painful procedure that you can imagine. It has been studied and practiced for over 2500 years, which is indicative of its worth.

Many people around the world swear by acupuncture, calling it a miracle treatment that improves their standard of living. It has been reported to treat everything from anxiety and pain to nausea and cramps. According to research, millions of Australians use acupuncture for treating a multitude of health problems.

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